陈 卫, 王 晨, 李津宇, 杨贵海, 王正中.河湖底轴驱动翻板生态闸门静动力特性分析Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2023,34(4):159-166
Static and dynamic analysis of ecological bottom axis-driven flap gate in lake and river
中文关键词: 底轴驱动翻板闸门; 静动力特性; 单向流固耦合; 数值模拟  河湖生态工程
英文关键词: bottom axis-driven flap gate  static and dynamic characteristics  unidirectional fluid-solid coupling  numerical simulation  river and lake ecological engineering
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Wei1, WANG Chen2, LI Jinyu2, YANG Guihai1, WANG Zhengzhong2 (1.中铁水利水电规划设计集团有限公司 江西 南昌 330029 2.西北农林科技大学 水利与建筑工程学院 陕西 杨凌 712100) 
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      底轴驱动翻板闸门作为一种新兴河道景观闸门,由于其良好的生态效益在河道水利工程中有着广泛的应用。但是该类型闸门应用时间较短,其结构设计理论尚未成熟,对相关的有限元计算方法的研究也不足。为此,以底轴驱动翻板闸门为研究对象,总结了该类型闸门数值模拟静、动力特性的分析计算方法。以某工程为例,采用CFD-CSD耦合数值计算方法探究了底轴驱动翻板闸门结构运行时在水压力作用下的静、动力特性。首先对各个开度运行工况下闸门的水压力进行数值模拟计算,进一步采用单向流固耦合方法将计算得到的水荷载施加在闸门结构上,分析得出闸门各构件应力及位移随开度的变化趋势。再对闸门结构的干、湿模态进行分析,研究闸前水体对闸门自振模态与频率的影响。研究结果表明:各构件应力和变形在闸门全关闭工况时达到最大值,闸门整体最大应力值为200.79 MPa、最大位移值为47.703 mm,应力和位移随闸门开度的增大而逐渐减小;闸门的自振特性受闸前水体的影响显著,在研究该闸门动力特性时,需要考虑流固耦合效应。
      The bottom axis-driven flap gate, as a novel type of river landscape gate, is widely used in river conservancy projects due to the ecological benefits it brings forth. However, it is only put into service for a short time, the structural design theory is not yet fully developed, and there are few references on the finite element calculation research of the gate. In view of this, the numerical simulation methods of the bottom axis-driven flap gate was summarized focusing on its static and dynamic characteristics. Taking a project as an example, the static and dynamic characteristics of the bottom axis-driven flap gate structure under the action of water pressure was investigated using the numerical calculation method of CFD-CSD coupling. Firstly, the water pressure of the gate under different opening conditions was numerically simulated, then the water load calculated by unidirectional fluid-solid coupling method was applied to the gate structure, based on which the changing trend of the stress and displacement of each component of the gate with the changes of opening degrees was analyzed. Meanwhile, the dry and wet modes of the gate structure were analyzed to study the influence of water in front of the gate on the natural vibration mode and frequency of the gate. The analysis results show that the stress and deformation of each component reached the maximum value in the full closure condition, the maximum stress reached 200.79 MPa, and the maximum displacement value was 47.703 mm, which gradually decreased with the increase of the gate opening degree. In addition, the natural vibration characteristics of the gate was significantly affected by the water in front of the gate. Therefore, the fluid-solid coupling effect should be considered when studying the dynamic characteristics of the gate.
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