何一洋, 黄耀英, 谢 同, 李泽鹏, 丁胜勇.基于实测徐变的水工混凝土细观力学参数反演Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2023,34(2):163-170
Inversion analysis of meso-mechanical parameters of hydraulic concrete based on measured creep change
中文关键词: 水工混凝土  细观力学参数  参数反演  徐变度  泊松比  弹性模量
英文关键词: hydraulic concrete  meso-mechanical parameter  parameter inversion  creep variability  Poisson’s ratio  elastic modulus
Author NameAffiliation
HE Yiyang1, HUANG Yaoying1, XIE Tong2, LI Zepeng1, DING Shengyong1 (1.三峡大学 水利与环境学院 湖北 宜昌 443002 2.三峡新能源阳江发电有限公司 广东 阳江 529599) 
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      The existing inversion analysis of the mesoscopic mechanical parameters of concrete is generally based on the measured axial strain; however, concrete specimens usually show obvious Poisson effect under loads. So, the mechanical parameters optimized by the combination of measured longitudinal and transverse strain inversion can better reflect the real performance of the material. Here, the uniaxial compression creep Poisson’s ratio test of hydraulic concrete with different loading ages was conducted, and then the elastic parameters of aggregate and mortar were inverted using the combined method of “orthogonal design-neural network-mesoscopic finite element model”, based on the measured longitudinal and transverse strains of the loading and load holding stages. Then, the measured creep variability of concrete was taken as the initial value of the mortar, and the creep variability and the creep Poisson’s ratio of the mortar at the load holding stage were obtained by inversion. Finally, the creep variability of mortar and the creep variability of concrete obtained by inversion were compared and analyzed. The results show that there is a difference between the mechanical parameters of aggregate & mortar and concrete, the elastic Poisson’s ratio of aggregate and mortar obtained from measured strain inversion is between 0.13 and 0.20, and the creep Poisson’s ratio of mortar is about 0.125; under the same loading age, the creep characteristics of mortar are similar to that of concrete and the creep variability of mortar is larger than that of concrete, which is about 2.5 times greater according to this research.
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