杜亮亮, 王洪峰, 董方亮, 宋晓辉.基于加密雨量站资料的邯郸市夏季短时强降水精细化特征分析Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2023,34(2):25-32
Fine-scale characteristics of summer short-term heavy precipitation in Handan City based on data from densified rainfall stations
中文关键词: 短时强降水  区域自动雨量站  精细化特征  时空分布  邯郸市
英文关键词: short-time heavy rainfall  regional automatic rainfall station  fine-scale characteristics  spatio-temporal distribution  Handan City
Author NameAffiliation
DU Liangliang, WANG Hongfeng, DONG Fangliang, SONG Xiaohui (河北省邯郸市气象局 河北 邯郸 056001) 
Hits: 1596
Download times: 452
      利用邯郸市257个加密雨量站2016—2021年夏季逐时降水资料,基于排序法确定短时强降水(雨强大于20.0 mm/h)的阈值,分析邯郸市夏季短时强降水时空分布特征。结果表明:邯郸市夏季短时强降水站均出现16.3次,山区站均出现17.5次,平原地区站均出现15.6次,短时强降水集中发生在7月中旬至8月中旬;雨强大值区出现在山区中南部及平原地区的北部、西南部区域,平原地区雨强极值为125.2 mm/h(鸡泽县风正乡),山区为123.1 mm/h(磁县陶泉乡);小时雨强的50%、75%、95%、99%、99.5%分位数对应的降水量分别为27.8、36.1、56.5、80.4、94.9 mm;全市短时强降水站均次数的日内变化呈“双峰型”特征,高峰时段在17:00-21:00时,次高峰时段在5:00—9:00时;单站发生短时强降水的概率最高。
      Based on the hourly precipitation data of 257 densified rainfall stations in Handan City from 2016 to 2021, the threshold value of short-term heavy rainfall (≥20.0 mm/h) is determined based on the sorting method, and the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of summer short-term heavy rainfall in Handan are analyzed. The results show that there were 16.3 events of short-term heavy rainfall in Handan City on average, specifically, 17.5 events in the mountainous area and 15.6 events in the plain area, which mainly occurred from mid July to mid August. The areas with high rainfall intensity scattered in the south central part of the mountainous area, and the north and southwest part of the plain area. The extreme value of rain intensity in the plain was 125.2 mm/h (Fengzheng Township, Jize County) and 123.1 mm/h (Taoquan Township, Cixian County) in the mountainous area. The precipitation corresponding to 50%, 75%, 95%, 99% and 99.5% quartile of hourly rainfall intensity were 27.8, 36.1, 56.5, 80.4 and 94.9 mm respectively. The diurnal variation of short-term heavy rainfall was characterized by “double peaks”, with the highest peak at 17:00-21:00 and the secondary peak at 5:00-9:00. The probability of short-term heavy rainfall at a single station was the highest.
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