胡涛涛, 葛峻恺, 刘可萌.含水率对高地应力炭质板岩隧道围岩稳定性的影响研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2022,33(5):169-175
Influence of water content on stability of surrounding rock of carbonaceous slate tunnel with high geostress
中文关键词: 炭质板岩隧道  含水率  高地应力  数值模拟  隧道围岩稳定性
英文关键词: carbonaceous slate tunnel  water content  high geostress  numerical simulation  stability of tuunel surrounding rock
Author NameAffiliation
HU Taotao, GE Junkai, LIU Kemeng (长安大学 公路学院 陕西 西安 710064) 
Hits: 1917
Download times: 420
      当隧道穿越高地应力富水软弱围岩区段时,易发生坍塌、初期支护结构侵限、钢架扭曲脱离等不良现象。针对这一问题,以渭武高速公路木寨岭隧道为实际工程背景,运用有限差分法软件FLAC3D分别建立了不同含水率下双侧壁导坑法和三台阶七步开挖法施工隧道的数值模型,分析讨论了两种施工方法下围岩压力、竖向和水平位移、塑性区随着含水率增大的分布规律和发展情况。结果表明:随着含水率的增大,炭质板岩强度降低,围岩自稳能力降低,进而降低了隧道的稳定性。隧道上部台阶开挖后,炭质板岩段各监测断面沉降和收敛变形较快,变形量较大;完成初期支护之后,沉降和收敛变形速度逐渐降低,待距离掌子面50 m以后趋于稳定。
      When the tunnel passes through the area of weak surrounding rock with high geostress and rich water, it is prone to all sorts of adversities, such as collapses, initial support structure intrusion, distortion and detachment of steel frames. In view of this problem, Muzhailing highway tunnel of the Weiyuan-Wudu Expressway is taken as the study object, and the finite difference method software FLAC3D was used to establish the numerical simulation model of the tunnel with two construction methods under different water contents, namely, the double-side heading method and three-level seven-step excavation method. The distribution and development of surrounding rock pressure, vertical and horizontal displacement and plastic zone with the increase of the water content were analyzed and discussed under the two construction methods. The results show that with the increase of the water content, the strength of the carbonaceous slate decreased, so did the self-stability of the surrounding rock, which in turn affected the stability of the tunnel. After the excavation of the upper level of the tunnel, the settlement and convergence deformation of the key parts of each monitoring section in the soft surrounding rock section accelerated and expanded. With the application of initial support, the settlement and convergence deformation speed gradually eased, and stabilized at the distance of 50 meters away from the tunnel face.
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