宫晓华, 张 强, 李 枫.模糊层次分析法在淤地坝风险评价中的应用Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2022,33(5):131-137
Application of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to check dam risk assessment
中文关键词: 淤地坝  模糊层次分析法  淤地坝风险  风险评价  模糊综合评价
英文关键词: check dam  fuzzy analytic hierarchy process(FAHP)  check dam risk  risk assessment  fuzzy comprehensive assessment
Author NameAffiliation
GONG Xiaohua, ZHANG Qiang, LI Feng (西安理工大学 陕西 西安 710048) 
Hits: 1893
Download times: 430
      The check dam is an effective water conservancy engineering measure specifically designed to control water and soil erosion in the Loess Plateau, and it plays an important role in the reduction of sediment inflow to the Yellow River, silt land reclamation, flood control and disaster reduction, as well as ecological and economic development of the plateau. However, check dams are prone to water-damage disasters, it is imminent to establish a risk assessment system for the analysis. According to the investigation and analysis of the check dams afflicted by water-damage disasters, the risks of check dams were identified and a check dam risk hierarchy analysis model with 3 levels was established, including current risk, management risk and accident consequence, which involved in 9 indicators in total. With this model, the weight of each risk factor of the check dams was calculated and the safety status of the check dams were evaluated comprehensively using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. The results showed that the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process improved the consistency of the analytic hierarchy process effectively, it can provide a convenient and novice approach for the risk assessment of check dams.
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