左其亭, 钟 涛, 张志卓, 王娇阳.水利高质量发展的判别准则及评价体系Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2022,33(5):109-117
Discriminant criteria and evaluation system of high-quality development of water conservancy
中文关键词: 水利高质量发展  内涵解读  判别准则  评价体系  水利高质量发展指数(HQDI)
英文关键词: high-quality development of water conservancy  interpretation of connotation  discriminant criterion  evaluation system  high-quality development index of water conservancy (HQDI)
Author NameAffiliation
ZUO Qiting1,2,3, ZHONG Tao1, ZHANG Zhizhuo1, WANG Jiaoyang1 (1.郑州大学 水利与土木工程学院 河南 郑州 450001 2.郑州大学 黄河生态保护与区域协调发展研究院 河南 郑州 450001 3.河南省水循环模拟与水环境保护国际联合实验室 河南 郑州 450001) 
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      The high-quality development of water conservancy is the concrete embodiment of the modernization of water conservancy in the new era of China, and it is also of great significance to the promotion of the high-quality development of national economy. According to the interpretation of the concept and connotation of high-quality development of water conservancy, the discriminant criteria are formulated from five aspects: guaranteeing water security with high standards, supporting economic development efficiently, satisfying people’s happiness highly, maintaining ecological health highly, and promoting water culture with high requirements. Based on the concept, connotation and criteria, the evaluation index system of high-quality development of water conservancy is constructed according to the three-layer structure of “target-criterion-index”, and the “high-quality development index of water conservancy”(HQDI) is introduced to quantitatively characterize the state of high-quality development of water conservancy. Finally, the evaluation system is applied to the study of 31 provincial administrative regions in the mainland of China. The results show that the high-quality development index of water conservancy in most regions is at a high level, whereas that in the northwest areas is relatively underdeveloped, and that in coastal areas is higher than that in inland areas as a whole.
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