董 鹏, 李唱唱, 王正中, 刘 彪, 刘铨鸿, 马清瑞.引汉济渭二期高地下水位盾构隧洞渗流应力耦合研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2022,33(4):202-209
Seepage-stress coupled simulation of shield tunnelling of the Hanjiang to Weihe River Valley Water Diversion Project Phase Ⅱ under high groundwater level
中文关键词: 盾构法  深埋隧洞  渗流应力耦合  非线性本构模型  高地下水位  引汉济渭二期
英文关键词: shield tunnelling  deep-buried tunnel  seepage-stress coupled simulation  nonlinear constitutive model  high groundwater level  Hanjiang to Weihe River Valley Water Diversion Project Phase Ⅱ
Author NameAffiliation
DONG Peng1, LI Changchang2, WANG Zhengzhong2, LIU Biao2, LIU Quanhong2, MA Qingrui1 (1.陕西省引汉济渭工程建设有限公司 陕西 西安 710024 2.西北农林科技大学 水利与建筑工程学院 陕西 杨凌 712100) 
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      白鹿塬洞段是引汉济渭二期工程黄土区隧洞中埋深最大、地下水位最高的隧洞工程,其盾构法施工的可行性与安全性尚不明确。为此,应用ABAQUS渗流-应力全耦合数值模拟方法,采用Mohr-Coulomb弹塑性本构模型与刚度迁移法,对白鹿塬282.22 m埋深泥岩洞段的盾构掘进过程进行了三维仿真,重点分析了隧洞掘进阶段典型断面围岩孔隙水压力、应力变形、塑性区以及衬砌结构受力变形的变化规律。结果表明:典型断面处孔隙水压力随开挖过程先降低后回升,随后趋于稳定,距离掌子面前缘约3.6 m的隧洞断面处产生体积收缩,从而造成超孔隙水压力,压力水头最大值约248.0 m;洞周收敛,顶拱下沉,底拱隆起,隧洞周围围岩应力、应变、径向变形呈对称性分布,等效塑性应变主要发生在洞侧3 m深度范围内,顶拱无明显的塑性区,故围岩的最可能破坏模式为侧拱围岩塌落;在施工阶段衬砌结构内外缘以压应力为主,最大压应力为18.77 MPa,衬砌顶拱、底拱外缘以及拱腰内缘边墙产生较小的拉应力,约为0.85 MPa,均满足抗压承载力和抗拉强度要求。研究结果可为引汉济渭二期工程的安全运营及灾害防治提供参考依据。
      Bailuyuan tunnel is a part of the Hanjiang to Weihe River Valley Water Diversion Project Phase Ⅱ, which is characterized by its deepest buried depth and highest groundwater tale in the Loess Plateau area, the feasibility and safety of its shield tunnelling excavation are not clear. Thus, the section with the buried depth of 282.22 m in Bailuyuan tunnel was selected for the 3-D simulation of shield tunneling excavation using Mohr-Coulomb elastoplastic constitutive model and the stiffness migration method with the application of ABAQUS software. The variation of pore water pressure, stress deformation, plastic zone in surrounding rock and displacement of lining of the typical section during the excavation phase were analyzed emphatically. The results show that with the progress of the excavation, the pore pressure decreased first then steadily rose to a stable state. Excess pore water pressure occurred at the section which was 3.6 m away from the front edge of the shield tunnelling face because the section started to shrink, and its maximum value nearly reached 248.0 m. The deformation of the tunnel involved convergence around the tunnel, subsidence at the crown and heave at the invert. The stress, strain and radial displacement of the surrounding rock were symmetrically distributed. Since equivalent plastic strain mainly occurred within 3 m at the spring line of the tunnel but no obvious plastic zone above the invert, the most likely failure mode would be the collapse of surrounding rock at the sides of the tunnel. During the construction phase, the dominant stress of the lining both at the inner diameter and outer diameter was compressive stress, and its maximum value was 18.77 MPa; whereas tensile stress occurred at the crown and invert of the lining outer diameter, as well as the side wall of the lining hance, which was only about 0.85 MPa. Both stresses met the requirements of compressive bearing capacity and tensile strength for the lining. The results could provide a reference for the safe operation and disaster prevention of the Hanjiang to Weihe River Valley Water Diversion Project Phase Ⅱ.
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