杜振康, 尹进步, 朱光明, 何 红, 闫秀秀.不同扩散角下单侧渐扩消力池水力特性研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2022,33(2):144-151
Hydraulic characteristics of unilateral divergent stilling basin under different diffusion angles
中文关键词: 单侧渐扩消力池  扩散角  水力特性  漩涡  数值模拟
英文关键词: unilateral divergent stilling basin  diffusion angle  hydraulic characteristics  vortex  numerical simulation
Author NameAffiliation
DU Zhenkang, YIN Jinbu, ZHU Guangming, HE Hong, YAN Xiuxiu (西北农林科技大学 水利与建筑工程学院 陕西 杨凌 712100) 
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      为揭示单侧渐扩消力池在不同扩散角下的流场特性,基于FLOW-3D软件,采用TruVOF法及RNG k-ε双方程紊流模型对单侧渐扩消力池的不同扩散角进行三维数值模拟,重点研究了消力池内的流速与漩涡特性,并将模拟计算得出的水面线、时均压强与物理模型试验结果进行对比验证。结果表明:数值模拟与物理模型试验结果基本吻合;消力池底板附近流速分布不均匀,非扩散侧流速较大,且随着扩散角度的增大,最大临底流速逐渐向非扩散侧偏移;随着扩散角度的增大,扩散侧逐渐出现贯穿性立轴漩涡,且漩涡空间尺度也逐渐变大,漩涡位置相对稳定;消力池内漩涡的强涡区均出现在漩涡中部,沿轴向整体呈现“两头小中间大”的分布规律。
      In order to study the hydraulic characteristics of unilaterally divergent stilling basins under different diffusion angles, a numerical simulation was carried out using the TruVOF method and the RNG k-ε turbulence model based on FLOW-3D. The characteristics of the velocity and vortex was investigated as the focus of the study, and the calculation results of the surface line, time-averaged pressure were compared with those of the physical model test. The comparison results show that the numerical simulation results are basically consistent with those obtained by model test. On this basis, an in-depth study found that the velocity on the bottom of the stilling basin is unevenly distributed, with a larger velocity on the non-diffusion side. With the increase of the diffusion angle, the maximum near-bottom velocity gradually moved to the non-diffusion side. A vertical vortex formed on the diffusion side and gradually reached the slab of the stilling basin with the increase of the diffusion angle, and the scale of the vortex kept increasing with a stable position. The strong vortex segment appeared in the middle of the vortex and presented the regularities of distribution of small at both ends and large in the middle along the axial direction.
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