杜万军, 柴军瑞, 许增光, 曹 成.考虑壁面滑移效应的平行单裂隙辐射流瞬态水力特性研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2022,33(1):136-143
Transient hydraulic characteristics of radiation flow in a parallel single fracture considering wall slip effect
中文关键词: 平行单裂隙; 非典型辐射流; 瞬态水力特性  优势水力通道; 壁面滑移效应
英文关键词: parallel single fracture  atypical radiation flow  transient hydraulic characteristics  dominant hydraulic channel  wall slip effect
基金项目:陕西省教育厅一般专项科研计划项目(21JK1000); 国家自然科学基金项目(51679197); 国家优秀青年科学基金项目(51922088); 杨凌职业技术学院2020年自然科学基金项目(ZK20-03)
Author NameAffiliation
DU Wanjun1, CHAI Junrui2, XU Zengguang2, CAO Cheng2 (1.杨凌职业技术学院 陕西 杨凌 712100 2.西安理工大学 省部共建西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室 陕西 西安 710048) 
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      为研究平行单裂隙辐射流内部细观水力特性,建立基于湍流RANS k-ε计算模型。结果表明:平行单裂隙辐射流呈现“非典型辐射流”现象,且存在优势水力通道;旋涡的演化束窄了水流通道,距离优势水力通道和辐射中心越近,流速和旋涡流强度越大;辐射中心水压增大引起裂隙流量增加,同时优势水力通道形成越早且越稳定,裂隙宽度越大,则裂隙湍流效应越显著,但主要以径向湍流为主;裂隙接触面重新分配优势水力通道,降低了裂隙渗流能力,且接触率与裂隙渗流量呈负相关;壁面滑移对水流产生了阻碍和协助两种作用,主要与滑移的方向和速度关系密切。入口水压、裂隙宽度、接触率和壁面滑移等综合因素对平行单裂隙辐射流水力特性的影响效应显著,本研究可为复杂裂隙辐射流研究提供参考。
      In order to study the meso-hydraulic characteristics of radiation flow in a parallel single fracture, a k-ε calculation model based on turbulence RANS is established. The simulation results show that the radiation flow in the parallel single fracture presents the characteristics of “atypical radiation flow”, and a preferential hydraulic channel is usually formed; because the evolution of the vortices narrows the flow channel, the closer to the preferential hydraulic channel or the radiation center, the stronger the flow velocity and vortex intensity become; the rise of water pressure at the radiation center leads to the increase of fracture flow, and the earlier the preferential hydraulic channel is formed and more stable it is, the wider the fracture become and the more significant the turbulence effect of the fracture is, but the fracture flow is dominated by radial turbulence; the fracture contact surface redistributes the preferential hydraulic channel, which decreases the seepage ability of the fracture, and the contact rate is negatively correlated with the fracture flow; the wall slip can be either obstructive or beneficial to the fracture flow, depending on the direction and velocity of the slip. It is found that the inlet water pressure, fracture width, contact rate and wall slip have a significant effect on the radiation flow, and these findings can provide a reference for the study of radiation flow in complex fractures.
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