左其亭, 李倩文, 赵维岭, 曹宏斌, 汪 军.流域水资源协同管理模式及体系Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2022,33(1):1-7
Synergetic management pattern and system for watershed water resources
中文关键词: 流域水资源管理  协同管理  管理模式  管理体系  沁河流域
英文关键词: watershed water resources management  synergetic management  management pattern  management system  the Qinhe River Basin
基金项目:河南省水利科技攻关计划项目(GG201947); 国家自然科学基金项目(U1803241); 国家社会科学基金重大项目(12&ZD215)
Author NameAffiliation
ZUO Qiting1, LI Qianwen1, ZHAO Weiling2, CAO Hongbin2, WANG Jun3 (1.郑州大学 水利科学与工程学院 河南 郑州 450001 2.河南省豫北水利工程管理局河南 新乡 453002 3.河南水投小浪底北岸灌区工程有限公司 河南 郑州 450001) 
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      Watershed water resources management is important and yet complicated, so it is urgent to find a scientific management pattern and system. On the basis of summarizing the domestic and foreign experiences of watershed water resources management, we discussed the necessity of synergetic management of watershed water resources, put forward the synergetic management pattern, described its main characteristics and constructed the management system based on the following three aspects: organizational system, content system and institutional system. Finally, taking the Qinhe River Basin as an example, aiming at the problems in the utilization and management of local water resources, we constructed a synergetic management system of water resources for this basin. This research aims to propose a new synergetic management pattern and system for watershed water resources management, and provide some reference for the practical water resources management of the Qinhe River Basin.
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