纳 月, 邓 勇, 赵进勇, 刘业森, 张 晶, 彭文启.河湖水系生态连通布局方案优选技术平台研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2021,32(6):134-142
Layout scheme optimization platform for overall ecological connectivity of river and lake systems
中文关键词: 水系生态连通  总体布局  方案优选  三层三库三模块  技术平台
英文关键词: water system ecological connectivity  overall layout  scheme optimization  three layers-three libraries-three modules  platform
基金项目:水利部公益性行业科研专项(201501030); 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2018ZX07105-002); 中国水科院创新领军人才项目(WE0145B532017)
Author NameAffiliation
NA Yue1, DENG Yong2, ZHAO Jinyong1, LIU Yesen1, ZHANG Jing1, PENG Wenqi1 (1.中国水利水电科学研究院 北京 100038 2.扬州市水利局 江苏 扬州 225002) 
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      Maintaining the ecological connectivity of river and lake systems is conducive to the health of river basins. The choice of connectivity schemes affects the effective connectivity of river channels and the extent of how their functions are played. In order to find an optimal scheme accurately and efficiently, based on the theoretical definition of river system connectivity, the river layout and connecting platform for planning (RLCPP) with three layers, three libraries and three modules was developed to optimize the connectivity path of river and lake systems. The platform is the integration and combination of the support layer, function layer and interaction layer, of which the support layer is consisted of the database library, model library and case library (“three libraries”). This platform integrates the optimization analysis of water system connectivity planning schemes, integration of water quantity-water quality-ecology coupling analysis models and management of river-lake water system ecological connectivity case library into three functional modules based on the key technology of water system extraction and graph modelling. It is a new approach for the formulation and optimization of river network water system connectivity schemes.
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