龙训建, 翁薛柔, 叶 琰, 张逸轩, 徐廷兵, 叶 勇.基于聚类分析的重庆市侵蚀性降雨特征研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2021,32(6):19-26
Characteristics of erosive rainfalls in Chongqing City based on cluster analysis
中文关键词: 侵蚀性降雨  降雨侵蚀力  时空特征  聚类分析  重庆市
英文关键词: erosive rainfall  rainfall erosivity  spatiotemporal characteristics  cluster analysis  Chongqing City
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(XDJK2020C070); 重庆市教育委员会科学技术研究项目(KJZD-K202100201)
Author NameAffiliation
LONG Xunjian1, WENG Xuerou1, YE Yan1, ZHANG Yixuan2, XU Tingbing3, YE Yong1 (1.西南大学 资源环境学院 重庆 400715 2.重庆市人工影响天气办公室重庆 400074 3.西南大学 后勤保障部 重庆 400715) 
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      Based on the minute-per-minute rainfall observation data of 32 national meteorological stations in Chongqing City from 2009 to 2018, the characteristics of amount, duration, intensity and erosivity of erosive rainfalls were analyzed to explore the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics and different patterns of erosive rainfalls in the study area. The results show that the amount, duration, intensity and occurrence frequency of the average annual erosive rainfall accounted for 75%, 44%, 55% and 18% of those of the average annual rainfall, respectively. Erosive rainfalls were mainly concentrated in May to September, of which the amount and duration showed a bimodal annual variation; whereas the intensity, occurrence frequency and rainfall erosivity presented a unimodal annual variation. The annual rainfall erosivity ranged from -22% to 27%, with a unimodal distribution. The various characteristic indices of erosive rainfalls showed obvious regional differences at different time scales. Then, principal component cluster analysis (PCA) was used to divide the study area into three types: light, moderate and severe rainfall erosion areas, and the rainfall patterns in the study area were divided into three categories based on K-means clustering, in which Category I was the dominant rainfall type in the region, Category Ⅲ was the rainfall type with the most severe erosivity, and the rainfall amount, intensity, duration and erosivity of Category II were between those of Category I and Category III.
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