刘玉春, 赵扬锋, 王进铭, 樊 艺.正长花岗岩破坏过程声发射特征试验研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2021,32(5):202-208
Experiments on characteristics of syenogranite acoustic emission in the failure process
中文关键词: 正长花岗岩  失稳破坏  声发射  声发射事件率  主频  波形特征
英文关键词: syenogranite  instability failure  acoustic emission (AE)  AE event count rate  major frequency  signal feature
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(52074142、51974150); 辽宁省高校创新人才支持计划项目(LR2019032)
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Yuchun1, ZHAO Yangfeng2, WANG Jinming2, FAN Yi2 (1.辽宁工程技术大学 理学院 辽宁 阜新 123000 2.辽宁工程技术大学 力学与工程学院 辽宁 阜新 123000) 
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      Uniaxial compression acoustic emission (AE) experiments were carried out on coarse grained syenogranite using 16 channel full wave AE monitoring system. The stress and AE signal feature in the whole process of rock deformation were obtained, based on which the events and energy of AE were calculated, and the locations of AE events were ascertained. The results show that in the process of deformation and failure of coarse grained syenogranite, the AE event count rate was the highest during the instability failure stage, followed by the crack rapid development stage. It was basically the same at the crack compaction stage and crack stable development stage, and it was lowest at linear elastic deformation stage. From the linear elastic deformation stage to the crack rapid development stage, then to the instability failure stage when the maximum stress drop occurred, the major frequency of AE signal decreased sharply, the high frequency of AE signal decreased gradually, whereas the AE event count rate, the amplitude of major frequency and time domain increased rapidly, so did the signal duration. The AE event count rate reached the maximum value when the maximum stress drop occurred, so did the amplitude of major frequency, time domain amplitude and signal duration, whereas the major frequency of AE signal reached the lowest. It indicates that the rock had entered the stage of instability failure by then, and the rock was in the fringe of failure, so preventive measures should be considered.
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