葛有成, 唐双成, 单正清, 许 青, 赵文宇, 陈 锋.不同入渗模型对LID措施效能评价的影响研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2021,32(5):100-106
Impact of different infiltration models on the performance evaluation of LID measures
中文关键词: 低影响开发(LID)  稳定入渗  Green-Ampt模型  Horton模型
英文关键词: low impact development (LID)  constant infiltration  Green-Ampt model  Horton model
Author NameAffiliation
GE Youcheng1, TANG Shuangcheng1, SHAN Zhengqing1, XU Qing1, ZHAO Wenyu1, CHEN Feng2 (1.扬州大学 水利科学与工程学院 江苏 扬州 225009 2.南通市通州区金沙街道水利站 江苏 南通 226300) 
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      为研究不同入渗模型对LID措施效能评价的影响,采用MATLAB编程,研究稳定入渗模型、Green-Ampt入渗模型和Horton入渗模型对LID措施效能模拟的差别和各自的适用条件。研究表明:LID措施汇流面积比为10∶1、表层蓄水深为10 cm时,对入渗率模拟,Green-Ampt模型的计算精度高于Horton模型;对溢流发生时间模拟,随着降雨历时的延长、雨强的增大以及土壤前期含水率的升高,不同入渗模型对溢流发生时间计算的差别逐渐缩小;对滞蓄总量模拟,Green-Ampt模型与干燥条件下拟合的Horton模型的计算结果相对差值在5.4%之内,但使用湿润条件下拟合的Horton模型与其他模型的计算结果差值随降雨历时的延长而增大。Green-Ampt模型对入渗率计算的精度略高,但其涉及参数较多,Horton模型应用较为便捷,但其拟合计算受土壤含水率影响较大。
      To clarify the impact of different infiltration models on the performance evaluation of low impact development (LID) measures, MATLAB programming was used to study the differences and applicable conditions of the constant infiltration model, the Green-Ampt model and the Horton model. Research showed that when the catchment area ratio of the LID measures was  10∶1 and the surface storage depth was 10 cm, the calculation accuracy of the infiltration rate of Green-Ampt model was higher than that of the Horton model. In terms of the calculation of overflow time, the difference between different infiltration models gradually decreased with the increase of rainfall duration, rainfall intensity and initial soil moisture contents. In terms of the calculation of runoff storage, the relative difference between the Green-Ampt model and the Horton model fitted under dry conditions was less than 5.4%, but the difference between the Horton model fitted under humid conditions and other models enlarged with the increase of rainfall duration. It is found that the Green-Ampt model has a slightly higher accuracy in the calculation of infiltration rate, but it involves multiple parameters; however the Horton model is more user friendly, but its fitting calculation is greatly affected by the soil moisture content.
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