赖冬蓉, 陈益平, 秦欢欢, 高 柏, 孙占学.变化环境对华北平原地下水可持续利用的影响研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2021,32(5):48-55
Impacts of changing environment on sustainable utilization of groundwater in the North China Plain
中文关键词: 地下水可持续利用  人类活动  气候变化  MIKE SHE模型  华北平原
英文关键词: sustainable utilization of groundwater  human activity  climate change  MIKE SHE model  the North China Plain
Author NameAffiliation
LAI Dongrong1, CHEN Yiping1, QIN Huanhuan1,2, GAO Bai2, SUN Zhanxue1,2 (1.东华理工大学 核资源与环境国家重点实验室 江西 南昌 330013 2.东华理工大学 水资源与环境工程学院 江西 南昌 330013) 
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      针对华北平原地下水利用中存在的问题,采用分布式水文MIKE SHE模型,考虑人类活动(农业节水措施和南水北调工程)和气候变化等变化环境的影响,通过设定4大类情景(每类情景中均设定了3类气候变化子情景)模拟了2019-2028年华北平原地下水的利用状况。结果表明:农业节水措施和南水北调工程等人类活动对华北平原地下水水位、水均衡和含水层储量有较大的影响;相对于现状保持型情景(SQM),模拟期末(2028年12月31日)农业节水型情景(AWS)、南水北调工程供水型情景(SNWDP)和综合利用型情景(CU)下华北平原饱和含水层储量分别增加0.168、0.558和1.433 m;气候变化对华北平原地下水的影响量级与人类活动的影响相当,且地下水水位、水均衡和含水层储量变化的方向和大小均与未来气候条件的干湿程度呈正相关关系,到模拟期末,相对于现状保持型情景(SQM),湿润、正常和干旱的气候情景下华北平原饱和含水层储量分别为增加0.972~2.239 m、增加0.119~1.540 m和减少0.372~0.940 m;只有综合考虑各种引水和节水措施,多管齐下,才能保证华北平原地下水的可持续利用。
      Regarding to the problem of groundwater utilization in the North China Plain (NCP) caused by the changing environment, we simulated the groundwater utilization status of the NCP from 2019 to 2028 using the distributed hydrological model (MIKE SHE). In this model, four scenarios (three climate change sub scenarios were set in each scenario) were set considering the impacts of the changing environment, including climate change and human activities (agricultural water saving measures and South to North Water Diversion Project (SNWDP)). The results show that human activities such as agricultural water saving measures and SNWDP have a great impact on the water level, water balance and aquifer reserves of groundwater in NCP. By the end of the simulation period (December 31, 2028), compared with the status quo maintenance (SQM) scenario, the reserves of saturated aquifers in NCP under scenarios of agricultural water saving (AWS), SNWDP and comprehensive utilization (CU) increased by 0.168, 0.558 and 1.433 m, respectively. The impact of climate change on groundwater in NCP was equivalent to that of human activities, and the change direction and magnitude of the water level, water balance and aquifer reserves of groundwater were positively correlated with the status of dryness and wetness of future climate. By the end of the simulation period, compared with SQM, the saturated aquifer reserves in NCP under humid and normal climate scenarios increased by 0.972-2.239 m and 0.119-1.540 m respectively; but decreased by 0.372-0.940 m under the arid climate scenario. In order to ensure the sustainable utilization of groundwater in NCP, all kinds of water diversion and water saving measures should be taken into consideration.
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