尚彦军, 金维浚, 肖 刚, 何万通, 杨 朋, 白云翔.稻城高海拔宇宙射线观测站场区水文地质条件及截排水方案对比Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2021,32(3):6-17
Hydrogeological conditions of the LHAASO site in the plateau area of Daocheng County and comparison of its water interception and drainage schemes
中文关键词: 水文地质条件  地下水位  水质  地表截排水  高海拔宇宙射线观测站  稻城
英文关键词: hydrogeological condition  groundwater level  water quality  surface water interception and drainage  Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO)  Daocheng County
Author NameAffiliation
SHANG Yanjun1,2, JIN Weijun1, XIAO Gang3, HE Wantong4, YANG Peng5, BAI Yunxiang3 (1.中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 北京 100029 2.中国科学院大学 北京 100049 3.中国科学院高能物理研究所北京 100049 4.水电水利规划设计总院 北京 100120 5.中国地质调查局天津地质调查中心 天津 300170) 
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      针对高海拔区花岗岩弱透水和松散堆积层厚度及地下水位变化较大等特征,采用过水断面测量、高密度电法物探、钻探等技术手段,对稻城海子山高海拔宇宙射线观测站(LHAASO)场区进行水文地质研究,分析河水流量、地下水位变化及其与覆盖层厚度和基岩面埋深等关系。结果表明:盆地中地下水埋深基本在5 m以内,水位高程与地面高程呈线性关系,基岩面埋深小的部位往往地下水位较低,说明基岩面起伏对地下水位影响较大;地表水质属矿化度低、硬度低的I型水(HCO3-Na+K-Ca型水),显示花岗岩岩性对水质影响明显;基于上述认识提出既保护LHAASO场区安全同时又便于利用优质水源的地表截排水方案。研究结果已被场区排水工程设计和施工采纳,并取得了较好的工程和环保效果。
      In view of the complex hydrogeological conditions in high altitude area, the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) site in Daocheng Haizishan was studied by means of stream outflow measurement, high-density electrical geophysical prospecting, drilling and other technical approaches. The variation of stream flow and groundwater level of different zones and their relationship with the overburden thickness and buried depth of the moderately weathered bedrock surface were obtained. The results show that the groundwater level, generally 5 m under the surface, has a good linear relationship with the ground elevation, and the groundwater level is often low in places with small buried depth of the bedrock surface, which indicates that the fluctuation of bedrock surface has a great impact on the groundwater level. The surface water is classified as grade I (water type:HCO3-Na+K-Ca) with low mineralization and hardness, indicating that the granite lithology has a great impact on the water quality. Based on the above, the water interception and drainage scheme which can protect the safety of LHAASO site and take advantage of high quality water resources was put forward. The scheme was then adopted in the project and produced good results.
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