许增光, 熊 伟, 柴军瑞, 线美婷, 王彦召.隧道裂隙突涌水过程中注浆技术研究进展及展望Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2021,32(2):185-193
Research progress and prospect of grouting techniques in tunnel fissure water inrush process
中文关键词: 隧道  裂隙突涌水  注浆技术  反馈调节  智能注浆系统
英文关键词: tunnel  fissure water inrush  grouting technique  feedback control  intelligent grouting
Author NameAffiliation
XU Zengguang, XIONG Wei, CHAI Junrui, XIAN Meiting, WANG Yanzhao (西安理工大学 西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室, 陕西 西安 710048) 
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      The number of tunnels constructed in China has been increasing year by year; however, geological disasters of water inrush often occur in the process of tunnel excavation. Grouting is a common approach to solving this problem, it also plays an important role in the plugging and reinforcement of underground engineering. Based on the review of the grouting technique development in tunnel engineering, we summarized the research status of model tests, grouting materials, advanced forecast technology, grouting control system and grouting effect evaluation methods, sorted out the advantages and disadvantages of different techniques, and looked into the development trends in all aspects. Finally, a set of tunnel intelligent grouting control system was put forward based on the analysis of past engineering practice and the development of current intelligent grouting field, in the hope of providing reference for the research of grouting field and tunnel construction in China.
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