张 雪, 王新宏, 董 梁, 郎永彪, 倪宇航.基于有限差分法的跌坎冲刷一维数值模拟Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2021,32(1):172-178
One-dimensional numerical simulation of riverbed headcut erosion process based on finite difference method
中文关键词: 跌坎冲刷  跨临界流  非恒定流  有限差分法  Preissmann格式
英文关键词: headcut erosion  transcritical flow  unsteady flow  finite difference method  Preissmann scheme
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Xue1, WANG Xinhong1, DONG Liang1, LANG Yongbiao2, NI Yuhang1 (1.西安理工大学 省部共建西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室 陕西 西安 7100482.青海省水利水电勘测设计研究院 青海 西宁 810001) 
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      Headcut erosion is a special phenomenon of riverbed erosion and deposition, involving transcritical flows and severe riverbed deformation processes. In the numerical simulation of the erosion process, the numerical oscillation caused by the alternating of torrent and slow flow often occurs. The main reason for this problem is that the Preissmann scheme is only suitable for simulating continuous water flows without interruption points, it cannot simulate transcritical flow because of the occurrence of interruption points. According to the Froude number of each cross-section, the position of each interruption point was identified, and the channel was divided into different flow sections to ensure that each flow section had a continuous flow with the same flow pattern. Appropriate boundary conditions were proposed for the four cases of slow flow, rapid flow, hydraulic jump and water fall, respectively. Then a one-dimensional mathematical model of unsteady riverbed mass transport based on Preissmann scheme for transcritical flow headcut erosion was established, which was verified afterwards using flume test data. The results show that the predicted value is in good agreement with the measured value, demonstrating the reliability and applicability of the model.
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