张社荣, 金 磊, 王 超, 刘 婷, 李志竑, 关 炜.基于分类树的长距离引水工程多源数据管理系统设计Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2021,32(1):125-130
Design of multi-source data management system for long-distance water diversion projects based on classification tree
中文关键词: 长距离引水工程  分类树  多源数据  数据库  管理系统设计
英文关键词: long-distance water diversion project  classification tree  multi-source data  database  management system design
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Sherong1, JIN Lei1, WANG Chao1, LIU Ting1, LI Zhihong2, GUAN Wei2 (1.天津大学 水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室 天津 300350 2.水利部南水北调规划设计管理局 北京100038) 
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      Aiming at the problems existing in the operation and management of long-distance water diversion projects, such as heterogeneous data of monitoring and testing, various types of data, nonstandard management and low efficiency, a data management system based on classification tree was constructed by analyzing the types and acquisition methods of multi-source data. Combined with database technology, the database table structure of the management system was constructed, in order to optimize the classification management of multi-source data. Based on this, a multi-source data management system for long-distance water diversion projects in operation period was established based on B/S (browser/server) architecture. This system was designed in strict accordance with the data management system with clear hierarchy and strict structure, which facilitates the unified and efficient management of data by system users, and provides a new solution for multi-source data management during the operation period of water diversion projects. At present, the system has been put into use in a water diversion project with satisfactory operation effect.
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