张 鹏, 黎兰毅敏, 范臣臣.温排水对长江安徽段水温的影响模拟Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2021,32(1):51-56
Simulation of influence of thermal discharge on water temperature in Anhui section of Yangtze River
中文关键词: 温排水  三维水温模型  水温分层预测  长江安徽段
英文关键词: thermal discharge  three-dimensional water temperature model  stratification prediction of water temperature  Anhui Section of Yangtze River
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Peng1, LI Lan Yimin2, FAN Chenchen1 (1.华北水利水电大学 环境与市政工程学院河南省水环境模拟与治理重点实验室 河南 郑州 4500462.上海市政工程设计研究总院(集团)有限公司 上海 200092) 
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      为研究温排水对长江安徽段水温的影响,建立长江干流安庆至芜湖段三维水动力温度输运模型,根据水文实测数据对模型参数进行率定及验证,分别在纵、横断面上预测分析了不利条件下两种排放工况(减排前、减排后)对周边水域温度的影响范围及程度。结果表明:在两种排放工况下,保护目标水温均未受影响;水体温升分布有显著垂向差异,随着水深增加,影响程度逐渐减小;减排后排放产生的纵、横断面热污染带范围均小于减排前,减排前产生的最大热污染带长度为1.074 km,温度最大增量为0.343 ℃,减排后产生的最大热污染带长度为1.006 km,温度最大增量为0.321 ℃。预测结果可为区域水生态保护提供依据。
      In order to investigate the influence of thermal discharge on water temperature of the Yangtze River in Anhui Province, a three-dimensional hydrodynamic temperature transport model for Anqing -Wuhu reach of the Yangtze River main stream was developed. Parameters of the model were calibrated and verified according to the measured hydrological data. The influence scope and extent of two kinds of discharge conditions (before and after the discharge reduction) on the surrounding water temperature under adverse conditions were predicted for transverse section and longitudinal section respectively. The results showed that under the two discharge conditions, the targeted water temperature had not been affected, the distribution of water temperature increment presented an obvious vertical variation, and the impact degree gradually decreased with the increase of the water depth. The thermal pollution zones of transverse section and longitudinal section generated after the discharge reduction were both smaller than those generated before the reduction. The maximum length of thermal pollution zone was 1.074 km, and the maximum temperature increment was 0.343 ℃ before discharge reduction. Comparatively, the maximum length of thermal pollution zone was 1.006 km and the maximum temperature increment was 0.321 ℃ after the reduction. The prediction results can provide some guidance for regional water ecological protection.
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