卢书梅, 杨传国, 谷黄河.1959-2018年山东省降水时空分布特征与洪旱演变规律Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2020,31(6):60-66
Spatio-temporal distribution characteristics of precipitation and floods and droughts evolution in Shandong Province from 1959 to 2018
中文关键词: 降水量  时空特征  洪旱演变  突变分析  小波分析  山东省
英文关键词: precipitation  spatio-temporal characteristics  floods and droughts evolution  abrupt change test  wavelet analysis  Shandong Province
Author NameAffiliation
LU Shumei1,2, YANG Chuanguo1,2, GU Huanghe1,2 ( 1.河海大学 水文水资源学院 江苏 南京 210098
2.河海大学 水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室 江苏 南京 210098) 
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      Based on the daily precipitation data of meteorological stations in Shandong Province from 1959 to 2018, research methods such as inverse distance weighted (IDW), Z index, Mann-Kendall test and wavelet analysis were used to explore the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of precipitation and floods and droughts evolution in Shandong Province in the past 60 years. The results showed that there were significant regional differences in spatial pattern of precipitation with more precipitation distributed in the eastern region and the mountain areas whereas less precipitation in the western region and the plain areas of the province. The average annual precipitation showed a decreasing trend with higher decreasing rates in the eastern coastal areas than those in the northwest. There were obvious inter-decadal variations in the flood and drought series. Before the 1970s, flood events were frequent, whereas drought events became frequent from the 1980s to the early 21st century. Since the 21st century, light floods became dominant, but spatial difference of these extreme events of floods and droughts became more remarkable. Results of the study can provide scientific support for the disaster prevention and mitigation and in turn contributes to the regional economic development of Shandong Province.
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