张紫璇, 李守义, 黄灵芝, 肖 阳, 李 浪.塔侧混凝土回填高度对长拦污栅墩进水塔的动力影响分析Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2020,31(5):195-200
Dynamic response of intake tower with long trash rack piers to the backfill height of side concrete
中文关键词: 侧面混凝土回填高度  长拦污栅墩  进水塔  动力响应
英文关键词: side concrete backfill height  long trash rack pier  intake tower  dynamic response
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Zixuan, LI Shouyi, HUANG Lingzhi, XIAO Yang, LI Lang (西安理工大学 水利水电学院 陕西 西安 710048) 
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      In order to improve the seismic performance of the trash rack structure, we studied the influence of the side concrete backfill height on the structure of the intake tower with long trash rack piers. A three-dimensional finite element model with different side backfill heights was established for the dynamic calculation of a tall intake tower, and the influence of the side concrete backfill height on the free vibration characteristics, displacement and stress of the intake tower were analyzed. Based on the calculation results, it is found that excessive backfill on the side of the tower adds extra compressive stress to some of the connecting beams of the trash rack piers exceeding their compressive strength, which will most likely result in beam fracture. On the other hand, the displacement of the tower across the river and the tensile stress of the connecting beams becomes larger without backfill on the side. An appropriate backfill height on the side can effectively reduce the stress of the long trash rack structure, limit the displacement across the river, and improve the overall seismic performance of the structure. The advisable range of the side backfill height of the intake tower with long trash rack piers proposed in this paper can be used as references for similar projects.
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