魏玲玲, 贺智敏, 李一鸣, 王建民.矿物掺合料对蒸养混凝土传输性能和孔结构的影响Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2020,31(1):179-186
Influence of mineral admixtures on transportation properties and pore structure of steam-cured concrete
中文关键词: 蒸养混凝土  矿物掺合料  毛细吸水性  抗氯离子渗透  孔结构
英文关键词: steam-cured concrete  mineral admixture  capillary water sorptivity  resistance of chloride ion penetration  pore structure
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51878360); 浙江省自然科学基金项目(LY17E080007、LY18E080008)
Author NameAffiliation
WEI Lingling, HE Zhimin, LI Yiming, WANG Jianmin (宁波大学 土木与环境工程学院, 浙江 宁波 315211) 
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      For improving the durability of prefabricated components made of steam-cured concrete, the effect of individual and compound mineral admixture on the capillary absorption coefficient and resistance of chloride ion penetration were analyzed, and its mechanism was studied with concrete porosity tested by the evaporable water content method. Results indicated that the transportation properties of steam-cured concrete was greatly improved by mineral admixture at low water-binder ratio. The improvement effect of mineral admixture on the transportation properties of steam-cured concrete from the greatest to the least is silica fume (SF), metakaolin (MK), ground slag (GS) and fly ash (FA) at the stage of demould and 28-day. The effect of MK was equivalent to that of SF at 90-day stage, and these two mineral admixtures were superior to GS and FA. The concrete pore structure had close relationship with transportation performance. The decrease of porosity and the refinement of pore size contributed mostly to the improvement of the transportation properties of steam-cured concrete.
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