慕登睿, 袁卫宁, 吕继强, 罗平平, 范 磊.人类活动干扰对灞河流域设计洪水的影响研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2019,30(4):71-77
Impacts of human activities on design flood of Bahe River Basin
中文关键词: 水文与水资源  MCDRM模型  人类活动  设计洪水  秦岭北麓  灞河流域
英文关键词: hydrology and water resources  MCDRM model  human activity  design flood  north of Qinling Mountain  Bahe River Basin
Author NameAffiliation
MU Dengrui1,2, YUAN Weining1,2, L Jiqiang1,2, LUO Pingping1,2, FAN Lei1,2 (1.长安大学 环境科学与工程学院 陕西 西安 7100612.长安大学 旱区地下水文与生态效应教育部重点实验室 陕西 西安710061) 
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      我国干旱半干旱地区,强烈的人类活动干扰引起城市河流洪水过程的显著变化,影响防洪与水资源规划设计结果。基于改进的网格化分布式降雨径流模型MCDRM(Modified Cell Distributed Rainfall Run-off Model),定量研究土地利用变化、水库建设运行对不同重现期暴雨洪水过程变化的影响。以秦岭北麓城市型河流灞河为例,结合流域典型人类活动干扰产汇流下垫面条件的实际情况,构建暴雨洪水模型,并依据推理公式法计算结果率定模型参数。研究结果表明:2000年后,西安市城镇加速扩张,并启动“八水润长安”工程建设,使得流域内城市用地及水域面积增加、水资源开发利用强度增加明显。强烈的人类活动改变了流域降雨产流、汇流的下垫面条件,引起流域洪水过程变化;秦岭北麓灞河流域1980-2015年设计洪水洪峰、洪水总量均减少。与1985年相比,2015年流域内重现期为10、20、50、100年一遇的设计洪峰流量平均减少22.98%,设计洪水径流总量平均减少约21.4%。其中,100年一遇标准设计洪峰径流减少23.88%,20年一遇标准设计洪水径流总量减少21.51%。基于改进的网格化分布式降雨径流模型,开展城市河流人类活动干扰的暴雨洪水模拟与响应变化研究,结果可为干旱半干旱区中小流域设计洪水复核与计算提供新的参考。
      In arid and semi-arid regions of China, strong human disturbance causes significant changes in urban river flood process, which affects flood control and water resource planning results. In this paper, we study the effects of land use change and reservoir construction and operation on the changes of rainstorm flood processes in different recurrence periods by the Modified Cell Distributed Rainfall Run-off Model (MCDRM). We construct the rainstorm flood model and verify the model parameters and simulation results according to the calculation results of traditional rational formula, take the urban Bahe River at the northern foot of Qinling mountains as an example. The results showed that the trend of increase of urban land area and water area in the basin increased, and the intensity of water resources development and utilization increases obviously, due to the urbanization of xi 'an city speeds up after 2000, and then the construction of the “eight rivers moisten Chang 'an” project. High intensity human activities change underlying surface conditions in runoff generation and confluence of the flood in Bahe River Basin; the designed flood peak volume and total flood amount decreased since 1980. Compared with 1985, the designed flood peak flow with a recurrence period of 10 years, 20 years, 50 years and 100 years in 2015 decreased by 22.98% on average, and the total designed flood runoff decreased by 21.4% on average. Among them, the design flood peak volume decreased by a maximum of 23.88% at 100-year recurrence period, and the total amount of standard design flood runoff decreased by 21.51% at 20-year recurrence period. This paper carried out the study on the simulation and response change of rainstorm flood caused by human activities in urban rivers, which is based on the improved grid distributed rainfall-runoff model, and the results can provide a new reference for the design flood review and calculation of small and medium-sized watersheds in arid and semi-arid areas.
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