肖再亮, 王 飞, 洒永芳, 宋 凯, 刘 建.基于数值模拟的某临河工业固体废物渣场地下水污染控制研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2019,30(2):95-99
Research on groundwater pollution control of a riverside industrial solid waste slag field based on numerical simulation
中文关键词: 渣场  地下水污染  帷幕注浆  水动力阻隔  数值模拟  临河工业固体废物渣场
英文关键词: slag field  groundwater pollution  curtain grouting  hydrodynamic barrier  numerical simulation  riverside industrial solid waste slag fileld
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目( 41602241)
Author NameAffiliation
XIAO Zailiang1, WANG Fei2, SA Yongfang2, SONG Kai2, LIU Jian2 (1.四川省环境工程评估中心 四川 成都 610031 2.西南交通大学 地球科学与环境工程学院 四川 成都 610031) 
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      简易渣场无规范环保措施,是地下水和土壤的重要污染源。针对简易渣场,以彻底清除污染源和重新规范渣场建设为优先方案,但确无条件实施上述方案时,一些地方也采用封场配套物理阻隔和抽出-处理等措施,最大程度控制和缓解渣场对周边地下水环境的影响。以某临河工业渣场为例,建立了就地封场、就地封场联合水动力阻隔、就地封场联合防渗帷幕及抽出-处理方案的Modflow模型,模拟了各方案的控制效果。结果表明:封场虽可较快恢复渣场区地下水质量,但并未从根本上消除污染物;封场基础上在临河侧设置抽水量170 m3/d的水井1口亦有较好的控制效果,但存在运行管理困难的问题;封场基础上联合帷幕注浆及抽出-处理,相对有一定优势,但运行管理仍有一定难度。因此,若条件允许,最好的方案仍是彻底清除污染源或重新规范渣场建设。
      Simple slag without standardized environmental protection measures is an important source of groundwater and soil pollution. Completely removing pollution sources or re-regulating it is a priority plan. However, when unconditionally implementing the above schemes, some places also adopt measures such as physical barrier and extraction-treatment based on field sealing to minimize the impact of slag yards on groundwater environment. Taking a riverside industrial solid waste slag as an example, the Modflow models of in-situ closure, in-situ closure combined hydrodynamic barrier, in-situ closure combined seepage proof and extraction-treatment schemes were established. The numerical simulation results showed that: although the quality of groundwater around the slag would recover in a relatively short time, the pollutants can't be eliminated completely; a well with pumping capacity of 170 m3/d based on in-situ closure also has good control effect, but it has some problems in operation and management;combining curtain grouting and pumping-treatment based on in-situ closure has some comparatively advantages, but the operation management is still difficult. Therefore, the best solution is to completely eliminate the source of pollution or re-regulate the slag, if conditions permit.
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