王宝山, 赵峰德, 温成成, 黄廷林.城市区域降雨径流季节性初期冲刷效应研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2019,30(2):1-5
Study on seasonal first flush effect of rainfall runoff in Urban Regions
中文关键词: 季节性初期冲刷  降雨径流  面源污染  海绵城市
英文关键词: seasonal first flush  rainwater runoff  non-point source pollution  sponge city
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51368029); 甘肃省重点研发计划项目(17YF1FA114)
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Baoshan1, ZHAO Fengde1, WEN Chengcheng1, HUANG Tinglin2 (1.兰州交通大学 环境与市政工程学院 甘肃 兰州 730070 2.西安建筑科技大学 环境与市政工程学院 陕西 西安 710055) 
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      It is of great significance to explore the seasonal first flush phenomenon of rainfall runoff for urban water environment management and water pollution control. Based on the dimensionless handled rainwater runoff pollutants and effective rainfall,the mathematical model for quantitative evaluation the seasonal first flush effect of rainwater runoff pollutants was established. The established mathematical model was applied to investigate the seasonal first flush effect on building roof and on campus. Results showed that the relationship between the average concentration of runoff pollutants and effective rainfall is similar in the building roof and on campus. The concentration of runoff pollutants in the early and late stages of rainy season was higher than that in the middle stages of rainy season. The strength of seasonal first flush was different in the study area, and the seasonal first flush phenomenon was found significantly for SS and TN while the strength of seasonal first flush (SFF) was relatively lower for COD and TP. SS and TN are mainly controlled in spring while COD and TP are mainly controlled in spring and late autumn.
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