丁文荣, 曾学梅.云南岩溶区降水变化的气候特征Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2019,30(1):7-12
Analysis on the climatic characteristics of the precipitation variations of karst area in Yunnan province, Southwest China
中文关键词: 降水变化  最长持续干旱时间  最长持续降水时间  气候特征  岩溶区  云南省
英文关键词: precipitation change  consecutive dry days  consecutive wet days  climate characteristics  karst area  Yunnan Province
Author NameAffiliation
DING Wenrong, ZENG Xuemei (云南师范大学 旅游与地理科学学院 云南 昆明 650500) 
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Download times: 766
      Shortage in water resources is a serious problem in karst areas. Based on the daily precipitation data of five karst regions in Yunnan Province between 1959 and 2017,the precipitation changes in Yunnan karst area were systematically revealed using the trend analysis and Mann-Kendall non rank test. The results are as follows: Since 1959, the precipitation in the studied five karst regions in Yunnan Province shown a decreasing trend, and the decreases in central Yunnan and Southeast Yunnan were more obvious, but did not reach the 0.05 significant level. In recent years, the number of precipitation days in Yunnan karst area has shown a decreasing trend, of which the decrease trend of the western Yunnan, Central Yunnan and southeastern Yunnan was 0.05 confidence level, but the other areas were not obvious. The precipitation of small precipitation level in Yunnan karst area showed a decreasing trend, whereas the precipitation at heavy precipitation level shown an increasing trend. The variation of the longest drought time in the five karst regions of Yunnan has great regional differences. The longest consecutive dry days in Northwest Yunnan, western Yunnan, Northeast Yunnan and Southeast Yunnan shows an increasing trend, but in the Middle Yunnan, the trend of decreasing is significant. The average consecutive wet days decreased in all of the five karst regions of Yunnan, but the trend were not obvious except for the Northeast Yunnan.
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