赵彦琳, 吉 晔, 张 宏 , 张宇峰 , 沈莹莹.聚苯板和聚氨酯板渠道保温防冻胀效果及经济性分析Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2018,29(5):197-201
Analysis of the heat preservation and anti-frost effects and the economic effect of polystyrene board and polyurethane board channels
中文关键词: 渠道衬砌  保温防冻胀  聚苯板  聚氨酯板  经济性分析
英文关键词: canal lining  heat preservation anti-frost  polystyrene board  polyurethane board  analysis of the economic effect
基金项目:水利部科技推广计划项目(TG1214); 国家“十三五”重点研发课题(2016YFC0400203); 陕西省水利科技项目(2016SLKJ-19)
Author NameAffiliation
ZHAO Yanlin1, JI Ye2 ,ZHANG Hong1, ZHANG Yufeng1, SHEN Yingying2 (1.杨凌职业技术学院 陕西 杨凌 712100 2.中国灌溉排水发展中心 北京 100054) 
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      In order to investigate the anti-frost effect of different heat preservation materials used in the concrete lining channels. The paper conducts a comparative analysis of the temperature of canal foundation, frost heave and economical efficiency of polystyrene board and polyurethane board, through the test at Hamatong Irrigation Area in Heilongjiang Province. The findings are as follows: First, the laying of thermal insulation board under the lining layer of the irrigation ditch can effectively reduce or prevent the frost heaving failures of the foundation soil. Second, polystyrene board thicker than 8 cm or polyurethane board thicker than 4 cm is the ideal choice for Hamatong Irrigation Area and similar areas in terms of the insulation and anti-frost effect. Polyurethane board is much better than polystyrene board in terms of the insulation and anti-frost effect. It is also found that a 4 cm-thick polyurethane board performs similarly as an 8 cm-thick polystyrene board. The polyurethane board is better in terms of heat preservation, but the cost is 30% higher than the polystyrene. Given the lower cost of polystyrene board, it is suggested that polystyrene board is more suitable to be popularized and applied in practical engineering.
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