王彦丽, 赵敏宁.近10年辽河干流水质综合评价Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2018,29(5):53-59
Water quality comprehensive evaluation for the Liaohe trunk stream in the latest 10 years
中文关键词: 辽河干流  水环境质量  水污染  溶解氧  综合评价
英文关键词: Liaohe trunk stream  water environment quality  water pollution  dissolved oxygen (DO)  comprehensive evaluation
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Yanli, ZHAO Minning (咸阳师范学院 资源环境与历史文化学院 陕西 咸阳 712000) 
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      针对辽河水质存在污染严重的问题,对其干流2008-2017年10年间的水质状况采用模糊综合评价和隶属度加权平均处理的方法进行了研究。结果表明:根据对水质的主要评价指标即溶解氧、化学需氧量和氨氮3个指标的综合评价与分析,铁岭朱尔山国控监测断面溶解氧的指标在3个评价指标中所占的最大权重是72%,盘锦兴安国控监测断面的溶解氧指标在3个评价指标中所占的最大权重是57%,两个断面水质的溶解氧指标平均值分别为7.13和6.66 mg/L,同时给出了水质变化的时空分布,2011年后朱尔山断面水质在2.23~1.34之间变化,2013年后兴安断面水质在2.26~1.36之间变化,朱尔山断面水质优于兴安断面,水质明显变好,治理成效显著。研究结果对辽河干流水质污染治理有重要意义。
      Considering serious water pollution problems in Liaohe River, this paper studies the water quality of Liaohe River's trunk stream from 2008 to 2017 by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and weighted average of membership degree methods. The results showed that based on factor analysis of main evaluation indicators through dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen, the maximum weight of dissolved oxygen of Zhuershan State control monitoring section in Tieling was 72%; the maximum weight of dissolved oxygen index of Xingan State control monitoring section in Panjin was 57%. The average dissolved oxygen index of the two sections were 7.13 mg/L and 6.66 mg/L, respectively. In addition, the temporal and spatial distributions of the river's water quality were obtained from the study. The variation of water quality in Zhuershan section flacutated between 2.23 and 1.34 after 2011, whereas the variation of water quality in Xingan Section shifted between 2.26 and1.36 after 2013. Water quality of Zhuershan section improved obviously and was much better than Xingan Section, which meant remarkable achievements had been made in water pollution control. Therefore, the results of the study are of great significance to control water pollution for Liaohe trunk stream.
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