朱世云, 于永强, 俞芳琴, 刘 俊, 游志康.基于MIKE21 FM模型的洞庭湖区平原城市洪水演进模拟Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2018,29(2):132-138
基于MIKE21 FM模型的洞庭湖区平原城市洪水演进模拟
Flood routing simulation of Dongting Lakeshore Plain City based on MIKE21 FM Model
中文关键词: 洪水演进模拟  MIKE21 FM模型  洞庭湖区  湖区平原城市  岳阳市
英文关键词: flood routing simulation  MIKE21 FM model  Dongting lakeshore  lakeshore plain city  Yueyang city
Author NameAffiliation
ZHU Shiyun1, YU Yongqiang2, YU Fangqin3, LIU Jun1, YOU Zhikang1 (1.河海大学 水文水资源学院 江苏 南京 210098 2.中国电建集团中南勘测设计研究院有限公司湖南 长沙 410014 3.南京市浦口区水利局江苏 南京 211800) 
Hits: 2017
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      洞庭湖区平原城市地势平坦,多位于湖区防洪高水位之下,洪水遭遇复杂,历史上饱受洪涝灾害侵袭,因此对洪涝无法完全消除地区开展研究是有必要的。以岳阳市为研究对象,采用MIKE21 FM模型进行水动力数值模拟,选定堤防设计水位与历史最高水位作为边界条件,拟定溃口位置,模拟洪水演进不同时段的淹没情况、洪水流态和进洪量。结果表明:MIKE21 FM模型模拟精度高,模拟成果合理,对洞庭湖区平原城市洪水数值模拟具有一定应用价值,成果可为岳阳市和其他湖区平原城市的防汛救灾工作提供参考。
      The Dongting lakeshore plain city has complex flood problem due to its flat terrain, which is normally located below the high water level for flood control in the lake area, so it is necessary to conduct research in areas where floods can not be completely eliminated. The paper chooses Yueyang City as a case study to make the numerical simulation of hydrodynamics with MIKE21 FM model. In the flood simulation,the design level of the dike design level and the highest water level in the history are selected as the water level input in the model, the breach location is set, and the submergence, flood flow, and flood inflow at different periods of the flood evolution are simulated. The result shows that the MIKE21 FM model has high accuracy and real simulation effect, and has certain value in the flood simulation of lakeshore plain city. The research on the flooding simulation method of the plains in the lake area has direct significance to flood prevention and relief work in Yueyang City and in the lakeshore plain cities of China.
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