黎良辉, 杨 斌, 魏博文, 徐兴忠.基于改进层次分析法的大坝性态安全诊断云模型Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2018,29(1):209-214
Cloud model of dam behavior safety diagnosis based on improved analytic hierarchy process
中文关键词: 大坝安全; 云模型; 改进层次分析法; 诊断模型  现役大坝
英文关键词: dam safety  cloud model  improved analytic hierarchy process  diagnostic model  operating dam
Author NameAffiliation
LI Lianghui, YANG Bin, WEI Bowen, XU Xingzhong (南昌大学 建筑工程学院 江西 南昌 330031) 
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      According to the uncertainty, the influence of subjective weighting and the fuzziness of subordinate interval of criterion layer and index layer in dam safety diagnosis, a dam safety synthesis diagnosis model based on Fuzzy cloud theory is put forward. Taking an operating dam as the object of diagnosis, on the basis of the dam safety assessment index system, the weight matrix was determined by using the weighting theory of the improved analytic hierarchy process, the membership matrix is solved by means of the cloud model to quantify the randomness and fuzziness in dam behavior diagnosis. Then, the results of fuzzy mathematical operation of the above matrix are evaluated according to the principle of maximum membership degree. Finally, the model is applied to an actual dam project, the safety diagnosis results of domestic scholars and analysis results are basically the same, and the results are consistent with the actual service conditions, which verifies the feasibility and effectiveness of this model.
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