李 刚, 张金利, 杨 庆, 蒋明镜.海陆交互沉积土次固结试验与蠕变方程研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2017,28(6):194-199
Study on the secondary consolidation test and creep equation of marine-terrestrial interactive deposits
中文关键词: 海陆交互沉积  黏性土  主固结  次固结  蠕变方程
英文关键词: marine-terrestrial interactive deposit  clayey soils  primary consolidation  secondary consolidation  creep equation
Author NameAffiliation
LI Gang1,2, ZHANG Jinli2, YANG Qing2, JIANG Mingjing3 1.西京学院 陕西省混凝土结构安全与耐久性重点实验室陕西 西安 710123 2.大连理工大学海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室 辽宁 大连 116024 3.同济大学 地下建筑与工程系 上海 200092 
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      Marine-terrestrial interactive deposits are widely distributed in the coastal cities, and the mechanical properties are different from the other deposits. Considering the undistributed samples of marine-terrestrial interactive deposit in Dalian, the creep behaviors of Dalian marine-terrestrial deposits were studied according to one dimensional creep tests. Based on the test results, the creep equation was established which considered the primary consolidation and secondary consolidation in the meantime. The results showed that, Dalian deposits have typical nonlinear creep behavior. With the increasing of consolidation pressure, the strain is increased. The longer the stability time is , the more obvious demarcation point between primary and secondary consolidation is. The deposits belong to medium to high secondary compressibility soil, and the secondary consolidation coefficient is decreasing with the increasing of consolidation time, and increasing as the consolidation pressure increases. The ratio of secondary consolidation coefficient to compression index in different depth ranges from 0.033 to 0.058, which conforms to Mesri conclusion. The tests results agree well with the calculation results, which showed that the creep equation is suitable for describing the creep behaviors of Dalian marine-terrestrial interactive deposits.
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