陈 玺, 李守义, 孙 平, 王 琳, 程 帅, 黎康平.考虑压脚措施下滑坡涌浪经验估算法对比研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2017,28(4):131-136
The comparative study of the empirical estimation of landslide surge under the measure of pressing foot
中文关键词: 库岸滑坡涌浪  潘家铮方法  水科院经验公式法  坡脚压脚  涌浪高度
英文关键词: reservoir bank landslide surge  PAN Jiazheng method  IWHR empirical formula method  pressing foot at the toe of slope  height of surge
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Xi1, LI Shouyi1, SUN Ping2, WANG Lin1, CHENG Shuai3, Li Kangping1 1.西安理工大学 水利水电学院 陕西 西安 710048
2.中国水利水电科学研究院岩土工程研究所 北京100048
3.西安热工研究院有限公司, 陕西 西安 710054 
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      Two common empirical estimate methods, PAN Jiazheng method and IWHR empirical formula method, were used to calculate the height of reservoir bank landslide surge of Wu River. By comparing the results from two estimate methods, it is found that the height of surge calculated by IWHR empirical formula method is far less than that of PAN Jiazheng method. It is suggested that Pan Jiazheng method should be used as the main empirical method in the estimation of landslide while the IWHR empirical formula method as an auxiliary method. By comparing the results of surge height before pressing foot at the toe of slope and after, it is indicated that height of surge decreased obviously after pressing foot at the toe of slope. The method of pressing foot at the toe of slope can prevent the disaster of reservoir bank landslide surge.
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