邹静蓉, 李志勇.考虑体积变化修正的红黏土土水特征曲线试验研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2017,28(1):180-186
Experimental study on soil water characteristic curve of laterite with volume change modification
中文关键词: 红黏土  土水特征曲线  压力板仪法  滤纸法  收缩系数  体积变化修正
英文关键词: laterite  soil water characteristic curve  pressure plate apparatus  filter paper method  shrinkage coefficient  volume change modification
基金项目:交通运输部建设科技项目(2014 318 785 090); 湖南省交通科技项目(201310)
Author NameAffiliation
ZOU Jingrong1, LI Zhiyong2 (1.中南林业科技大学湖南 长沙 410004
2.湖南省交通科学研究院湖南 长沙 410015) 
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      Laterite is a typically special soil with high water sensitivity, and soil water characteristic curve (SWCC) is an important refrence for studying engineering performance of laterite. Laterite usually shows obvious swell-shrink effects when moisture changes. Present SWCC tests lack consideration about this effect and therefore the results always contain errors. The pressure plate apparatus and filter paper method were applied in this research to measure matrix suctions corresponding to different soil water contents of typical laterite in Hunan. Besides, the characteristics of volume variation with water content was acquired based on shrinkage tests to obtain the shrinkage coefficient and derive the modified volume correction formulation. The SWCC was modified by involving the volume change effects. Finally, the V-G model was used to fit the modified SWCC. The relationship between the initial void ratio and model parameters was established, and the improved V-G model for laterite was established. The results showed that, volume change corresoponding to moisture change for laterite influenced SWCC very much. Under the same matrix suction, the volumetric water content and saturation degree of laterite after the modification were obviously higher than those before the modification, and the difference became more obvious with the increase of matrix suction. For the SWCC's V-G model with the volume change modification, model parameters were strongly affected by the initial void ratio, of which, there were power function relationships between void ratio and parameter a (representing air-entry value) or between void ratio and parameter n (representing void size distribution). Additionally, the initial void ratio had a linear relationship with parameter m (which represented residual water content) .
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