王亚平, 范世香, 高 雁, 王 刚, 刁艳芳, 陈晓薇, 张淑琪.基于区域水生态安全的水量干涉限探讨Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2016,27(6):67-71
Study on water interferential limits based on regional water ecological security
中文关键词: 水资源  水生态安全  可干涉量  干涉限  干涉度
英文关键词: water resources  water ecological security  favorable interferential water  interferential limit  interferential degree
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Yaping, FAN Shixiang, GAO Yan, WANG Gang, DIAO Yanfang, CHEN Xiaowei, ZHANG Shuqi (山东农业大学 水利土木工程学院 山东 泰安 271018) 
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      Human's over exploitation of water resources seriously threatens water ecological security. Based on the idea of water ecological security, this paper puts forward the standard to maintain the regional water ecological health, i.e., concept of water interferential limit. Then, the theory that regional evapotranspiration is equal to ecological water consumptionwas demonstrated by the regional water balance equation, and the water interferential limit formula were derived. After that, based on the water interferential limit formula, regional real water interferential degree formula was constructed. When the real water interferential degree was equal or smaller than water interferential limit, regional water ecology was assured. Finally, two examples were shown to illustrate the practical applications of water interferential limit and interferential degree.
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