王东华, 叶 舟, 丁勤卫, 吴中旺, 李 春.二阶波浪力作用下漂浮式风力机Spar平台的动态响应分析Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2016,27(2):198-204
Analysis of dynamic response on Spar platform of floating wind turbine under action of second order wave load
中文关键词: 漂浮式风力机  二阶波浪力  动态响应  单柱式平台  二阶传递函数
英文关键词: floating wind turbine  second order wave force  dynamic response  spar platform  QTF
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(E51176129); 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(博导)项目(20123120、110008); 上海市教育委员会科研创新(重点)项目(13ZZ120、13YZ066); 上海市研究生创新基金项目(JWCXSL1402)
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Donghua1, YE Zhou1,2, DING Qinwei1, WU Zhongwang1, LI Chun1,2 (1.上海理工大学 能源与动力工程学院 上海 2000932.上海市动力工程多相流动与传热重点实验室上海 200093) 
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      平台结构的稳定性是海上漂浮式风力机安全运行的基本保障。本文建立基于OC3-Hywind Spar Buoy平台的NREL 5 MW漂浮式风力机整机模型,采用辐射绕射理论结合二阶传递函数(QTF)的方法,借助ANSYS/AQWA分析二阶波浪力对Spar平台动态响应的影响。并从频域角度对比一阶、二阶波浪力对平台的作用,从时域角度分析风、流和二阶波浪力联合作用引起的慢漂响应和一阶波浪力引起的波频响应。结果表明:同一自由度方向的差频QTF与和频QTF的变化趋势大体一致;平台所受二阶波浪力较一阶波浪力小一个数量级;二阶波浪力对不同自由度的动态响应影响不同;时域动态响应由波频响应和慢漂响应组成,其中波频响应是均值为零的往复运动,慢漂响应是长周期的漂移运动。
      The stability of platform structure is the basic guarantee of safety operation for floating wind turbine on sea. The paper established the model of whole machine of NREL 5MW of floating wind turbine based on the OC3-Hywind Spar Buoy platform, and adopted the radiation/diffraction theory and quadratic transfer function to analyze the influence of second order wave force on dynamic response of Spar platform with the aid of hydrodynamic analysis software ANSYS/AQWA. The effect of the first order and the second order wave force on platform was compared from frequency domain. meanwhile the slow drift response caused by wind, current and second order wave load and the wave frequency response caused by first order wave force were analyzed from time domain. The results showed that the variation trends of difference-frequency QTF and sum- frequency QTF are generally similar at the same degree of freedom; the second order wave force pressureed on platform is one magnitude less than the first order wave force on platform; the effect of dynamic response of the second wave force on different degrees of freedom is different; the domain dynamic response consists of wave frequency response and slow drift response in which the former is a reciprocating motion with a mean value of zero and the latter is a drifting motion of long period.
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