吴光琼.群居蜘蛛优化算法在水位流量关系拟合中的应用Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2016,27(2):118-121
Application of social spider optimization algorithm in relation fitting of water lever and discharge
中文关键词: 水位流量关系  群居蜘蛛优化算法  参数优化  河流
英文关键词: relation of water lever and discharge  social spider optimization algorithm  parameter optimization  river
Author NameAffiliation
WU Guangqiong (云南省水文水资源局 丽江分局,  云南 丽江 674100) 
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      Aimed at the lack of parameters being difficult to be determined in the stage of relation fitting of water leveral and discharge,the paper used a new kind of swarm intelligent bionic algorithm—communal spiders optimization algorithm (SSO) to optimize the correlation parameters of water level and flow,and took the relation fitting of water lever and discharge in Renli and Zongguantian station of Lijiang river of Yunnan Province for example ,and compared the results with that of particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) and least square method (LSM) fitting. The results show that the average relative error absolute value of SSO algorithm for the fitting of water level and flow relationship in the two stations is 0.57% and 0.53% respectively, and the fitting precision is better than that of PSO and LSM. SSO algorithm has the advantages of fast convergence speed, strong global optimization ability, and so on. Using SSO algorithm to optimize the relationship water level and flow can get a better fitting effect.
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