李 斌, 解建仓, 胡彦华, 姜仁贵.基于集对分析法的渭河中下游径流变化特征研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2016,27(1):20-25
Study on characteristics of runoff change in middle and lower reaches of Weihe River based on SPA
中文关键词: 集对分析  变化特性  径流  渭河
英文关键词: set pair analysis  variation characteristics  runoff  Weihe River
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51509201、51479160、41471451); 陕西省教育厅科研计划项目(15JK1503)
Author NameAffiliation
LI Bin1,2, XIE Jiancang1, HU Yanhua2, JIANG Rengui1 (1. 西安理工大学 水利水电学院 陕西 西安 710048 2.陕西省水利厅 陕西 西安 710004) 
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      The paper analyzed the spatiotemporal characteristics of runoff in the middle and lower reaches of Weihe River basin,which could provide the basis for the depth research and rational development and utilization of water resources.It used the measuring data of typical hydrological station in the middle and lower reaches of Weihe river basin and analyzed the trend of annual runoff by using linear trend analysis, and investigated the spatial patterns of runoff by using the set pair analysis. The results showed that the runoff of Weihe River basin has presented the trend of decrease since 1970s, and the variation of annual runoff each hydrology station is similar;the variations of annual runoff in the middle and lower reaches of Weihe River has characteristics of synchronicity.The hydrological analysis method which based on set pair theory is simple and convenient, and the result is reasonable, which has promotional and application value in the study of change characteristics of runoff among the field of hydrology and water resources.
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