高雅玉, 田晋华, 李志鹏.改进的风险决策及NSGA-II方法在马莲河流域水资源综合管理中的应用Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2015,26(6):109-116
Application of improving risk decision-making and NSGA-II method in integrated management of water resources in Malian basin
中文关键词: 水资源综合管理  优化的NSGA-II方法  风险决策  改进的决策树法  马莲河流域
英文关键词: integrated management of water resources  optimized NSGA-II method  risk decision-making  improved decision tree method  Malian River basin
基金项目:陇原青年创新人才扶持计划(甘组通字[2014]93号); 甘肃省科技厅重大专项课题(1203FKDA035); 甘肃省水利科研技术推广项目(甘水科外发[2013]293号、[2014]223号); 甘肃省科技支撑计划(1204NKCA087); 甘肃省水利厅水资源费项目(甘财农[2010]162号)
Author NameAffiliation
GAO Yayu, TIAN Jinhua, LI Zhipeng (甘肃省水土保持科学研究所 甘肃 兰州 730000) 
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      The paper generalized Malian river basin into five water resources partitions and used index analysis method to predict water supply and demand and carry out balance analysis in 2020 and 2030.Then it utilized improved decision tree method to conducted risk analysis,and introducted expert consulting probabilities into the sensitivity analysis of decision tree, finally it recommended the allocation scheme of water supply and demand 2020 and 2030. The paper used the theory of system analysis and optimization technology to build the large system of the basin and multi-objective water resources optimal allocation model,and used the optimized NSGA-II method to solve problem and obtained the optimal allocation scheme under the recommended plan of water allocation in 2030. Finally according to the optimal allocation scheme and forecasted water demand to conduct balance analysis, which obtained that under the condition of optimal water allocation scheme and the forecasted water requirement. The optimal allocation scheme achieved the most optimal water distribution and made the precious and limited water resources produce the maximum social, economic and environmental benefits and provide water resources support for the rapid growth of economic and energy industry in Malian river basin.
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