符传立, 郑永来, 杨蔚为.土体及遮帘桩对板桩码头影响的数值模拟分析Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2015,26(5):203-206
Numerical simulation on effect of soil body and barrier pile on sheet-pile wharf
中文关键词: 板桩码头  遮帘桩  有限差分  土压力
英文关键词: sheet-pile wharf  barrierpile  finite difference  soil pressure
Author NameAffiliation
FU Chuanli1, ZHENG Yonglai1, YANG Weiwei2 (1.同济大学 土木工程学院 上海 200092 2.上海市水利工程设计研究院有限公司 上海 200333) 
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      利用有限差分分析软件对板桩码头进行数值模拟,分析板桩码头中土体参数及遮帘桩对板桩码头板桩前墙的影响。对板桩码头土体参数改变时板桩前墙的受力情况进行模拟。模拟结果表明:土体内摩擦角对前墙最大负弯矩的影响最大,弹性模量次之,粘聚力最小;对于前墙最大正弯矩,弹性模量的影响程度最大,内摩擦角次之,粘聚力对最大正弯矩的影响呈现起伏不定。针对遮帘桩安放位置对码头的影响情况,模拟遮帘桩距离前墙1~10 m时板桩墙最大正、负弯矩的变化情况。模拟结果显示:当遮帘桩距离前墙2~5 m时,板桩墙的弯矩值处在一个较低的范围。
      Thepaper used finite difference analysis software to carry out numerical simulation for sheet-pile wharf ,andanalyzedthe effect of soil body and barrier pile on the work behavior of sheet-pile wall. It simulated the stress state of sheet-pile wall when the parameter of soil body of sheet-pile wharfchanges.The result showed that the effect of soil's internal friction angle on the maximum negative moment of wall is the largest,the modulus of elasticity is the second and,the cohesive forceis the minimum. Theeffect of elasticity modulus on the maximum positive moment of wall is the largest,and then is thesoil's internal friction angle,and the effect of cohesive force on that appears ups and downs.Aimed at the influence of position of barrier pile on the wharf,it simulated the variation situation of the maxmum positive and negative moment of sheet-pile wharf when the distant of barrier pile to the front wall is one to ten meters.The result shows that when the distant of barrier pile to the front wall is two to five meters,the value of the bending moment of pile wall is at a lower range.
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