李鹏程, 韩 春, 王月敏, 王甲荣.基于多模糊参量的水量最优调度决策模型研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2015,26(5):100-103
Research on optimal scheduling decision model of water based on fuzzy multi-parameters
中文关键词: 水量最优调度决策模型  梯形模糊理论  水资源调度
英文关键词: water optimal scheduling decision model  trapezoidal fuzzy theory  water resources dispatch
Author NameAffiliation
LI Pengcheng, HAN Chun, WANG Yuemin, WANG Jiarong (山东大学 土建与水利学院 山东 济南 250061) 
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Download times: 1180
      In order to reasonably use water resources and reduce unnecessary economicloss,this paper based on fuzzy theory and operational research theory,and established an optimal scheduling decision model based on fuzzy multi-parameters. The result shows that the decision model is feasible for water dispatch in the Fenshuiling waterworks of Jinan City.Through defuzzying subscription fees W of water diversion and water requirement M it obtains minimum expected total cost and more reasonable cycle and volume of water diversion.The model can provide a reference for reservoir diversion, water use of productive enterprises,the water supply of waterworks and storage of oil depot etc.
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