韩元元, 吴 昊.不同土地利用模式情景下贵州印江河流域生态水文响应研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2015,26(2):129-134
Research on eco-hydrological response in different land use patterns in Yinjianhe River basin of Guizhou Province
中文关键词: 水沙耦合模型  不同土地利用模式情景  生态水文响应  印江河流域
英文关键词: water and sediment coupled model  different scenarios of land use patterns  eco-hydrological response  Yijiang river
Author NameAffiliation
HAN Yuanyuan, WU Hao (贵州省水利水电勘测设计研究院, 贵州 贵阳 550002) 
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      In order to quantitatively analyzed the effect of different land use patterns on eco-hydrology in the Yinjiang River basin,the paper coupled rainfall-runoff model(SCS model) with universal soil loss equation and Constructed distributed water sediment coupled model based on Grid.Through design three different scenarios of land use,it quantitatively analyzed the effect of different land use patterns. the results show that the coupled model has better simulation accuracy for runoff and sediment,the relative error runoff simulation is less than 10%, and the coefficient of determination is above 0.7, and the relative errors of sediment load simulation is less than 20% and its coefficient of determination above 0.5.The model can meet the accuracy requirements of water and sediment load simulation;under the three kinds of land use pattern scenarios, the dry land area increased by 10%, the runoff increased by 11.5% and soil erosion modulus increased by 12.9%; while the area of wood land and grassland increased by 10 % respectively, the runoff in the basins reduced 7.5% and 6.3%, soil erosion modulus decreased by 14.63% and 6.78%.The result can provide a reference value for ecological protection in the Yinjiang River.
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