熊聘, 楼文高.基于投影寻踪分类的长江流域水质综合评价模型及其应用模型Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2014,25(6):156-162
Water quality comprehensive evaluation and application model based on projection pursuit clustering in Yangtze river basin
中文关键词: 水质综合评价  投影寻踪建模  投影窗口半径R  长江水系
英文关键词: water quality comprehensive evaluation  projection pursuit clustering (PPC) modelling  cutoff radius R value  Yangtze River
基金项目:上海高校知识服务平台“上海商贸服务业知识服务中心”项目(ZF1226); 上海市重点学科“商务经济学”项目
Author NameAffiliation
XIONG Pin1, LOU Wengao1,2 (1.上海理工大学 光电信息与计算机工程学院 上海 200093
2.上海商学院 上海 200235) 
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      为了研究长江水系的水质情况及发展趋势,根据其103个国控断面2006-2010年8项水质监测指标数据(共计515组样本)和地下水质量评价标准,建立了水质综合评价的投影寻踪 (PPC) 模型。研究结果表明:长江水系国控断面上整体水质较好,其中I类和Ⅱ类水质分别占60%和22.7%;上游水质总体上好于下游水质;化工工业较发达地区的支流和河流水污染情况严重,2006-2009年,水质逐年改善,但2010年水质最差。研究了不同投影窗口半径R值对PPC建模结果的影响规律,理论和实证研究表明,R=0.1 Sz的较小值方案是不合理的,rmaxR≤2p的较大值方案是错误的,R不宜取常数,只有rmax/5≤R≤rmax/3的中间适度值方案是合理的。
      In order to study the water quality and its changing trend of the Yangtze river(YR) and according to the eight-index measured data on 103 government-control sections of YR from 2006 to 2010 (total 515 samples) and the standards of quality evaluation of groundwater,the paper established the projection pursuit clustering model of comprehensive evaluation of water quality. The results show that the water quality on the control sections is quite good, the water quality of type I and Ⅱ take up 60% and 22.7% respectively. The water quality in upperstream is better than that in downstream. The water pollution is quite serious in the Chemical-industry developed areas. From 2006 to 2009, the water quality was gradually improved year by year,and was the worst in 2010. The paper researched the rule of influence of cutoff radius R value (CRRV) on the results of PPC model . The theory analysis show that the scheme of taking the smaller CRRV (R=0.1 Sz) is absolutely unreasonable, the larger CRRV (rmaxR≤2p) is error, should not be the constant, and only the moderate-suitable value of CRRV (rmax/5≤R≤rmax/3) is reasonable correct.
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