王良泽南, 冯 宵, 刘飞鹏, 欧正蜂, 蔡克克.基于ANSYS钢筋混凝土结构耦合分析Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2014,25(6):127-131
Coupling analysis of reinforced concrete structures based on ANSYS
中文关键词: 约束方程法  渡槽; 耦合  节点; 混凝土结构; 钢筋混凝土结构
英文关键词: constraint equation method  aqueduct  coupling  node  pure concrete structure  reinforced concrete structure
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Liangzenan, FENG Xiao, LIU Feipeng, OU Zhengfeng, CAI Keke (云南农业大学, 云南 昆明 650201) 
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      The paper established reinforced concrete finite element model so as to analyze engineering structural problems. Taking aqueduct reinforced concrete model as an example,it used ANSYS coupling and constraint equations method in process of setting up model.The method considered stress-strain produced by method for temperature and stress fields coupling.The constraint equation method is used to link steel and concrete nodes with constraint equation.The result comparison of pure concrete structure and reinforced concrete structures contrast showed that the reinforced concrete finite element model can simulate the actual reinforced concrete model and can provide a reliable theoretical basis for engineering safety monitoring.
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