王仲珏, 詹水芬, 王绪亭.基于寿命分布理论的串联输水系统防洪风险研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2014,25(5):78-80
Research on flood risk of series water transfer project system based on theory of life distribution
中文关键词: 连续型寿命分布; Weibull分布; 串联系统; 防洪风险; 可靠度  水工建筑物
英文关键词: continuous life distribution theory  Weibull distribution  series linked system  flood risk  reliability  hydraulic structure
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Zhongjue, ZHAN Shuifen, WANG Xuting (交通运输部天津水运工程科学研究院 天津 300456) 
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      According to the theory of continuous life, the paper gave distribution flood risk assessment model of series linked hydraulic structures system in different serving periods on the condition of weibull distribution by the full use of history flood information. The model was appied in Hebei section of middle route main canal in south to north water transfer project.The paper set up the estimation model of flood risk of series linked water construction of the section in different serving periods.The results showed that flood risk of series linked water construction is closely related to not only the traditional design standard but also serving period.The paper established the evaluation model of flood risk of dynamic hydraulic structures.
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