黄速艇, 陈森林, 艾学山, 董前进.基于流量分级的生态流量过程线确定方法——以东江水库为例Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2014,25(5):22-27
Deterministic method of ecological flow process line based on flow classification:a case study in Dongjiang reservoir
中文关键词: 水文改变指标  生态流量  环境流量组成  流量过程线  东江水库
英文关键词: hydrology variation index  ecological flow  environment flow component  discharge hydrograph  dongjiang reservoir
Author NameAffiliation
HUANG Suting, CHEN Senlin, AI Xueshan, DONG Qianjin (武汉大学水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室 湖北 武汉 430072) 
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      The ecological flow of river channel is an important part of eco-hydrology research. In view of the special ecological function of different grades of flow,the paper divided the river discharge into extreme low flow, low flow, high flow pulse and flood a new method was put forward by means of IHA indicators and EFC method. In this method.Based on which ,it draw the ecological flow hydrograph . The method was applied to Dong Jiang reservoir, and gave the e-flow hydrograph of dry year, mean year and wet year. The results indicated that ① the high flow pulses occur from March to September, but there are difference in different typical years, the more the yearly runoff, the larger the high flow magnitude become.The time of the first high flow occurs. ② The extreme low flow mainly occur in January, February, November and December.the larger the discharge ,the shorter the time of duration of discharge, but the magnitude of extreme low flow changes little. ③ In the same typical year, the high flow has the process of first increase and then decrease.The maximum is in May or June; the duration time of extreme low flow reaches the maximum in January or February.
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