许新迪, 杨凤林, 徐晓晨, 李子音, 赵传起.自循环曝气厌氧膜生物反应器培养厌氧氨氧化菌的研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2014,25(4):129-133
Research on culture of anaerobic ammonium oxidizing anammox bacteria by using cyclic aeration in membrane bioreactor
中文关键词: 厌氧氨氧化  膜生物反应器  循环曝气  膜污染  生长动力学
英文关键词: anammox oxidation  membrane bioreactor  recycling gas sparing  membrane fouling  growth kinetics
Author NameAffiliation
XU Xindi, YANG Fenglin, XU Xiaochen, LI Ziyin, ZHAO Chuanqi (大连理工大学 环境学院 工业生态与环境工程教育部重点实验室 大连 116024) 
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      利用浸没式厌氧膜生物反应器(SAnMBR)对Anammox细菌进行富集培养,同时利用Anammox反应产生的氮气对膜组件进行自循环吹扫,有效地缓解膜污染,实现SAnMBR与Anammox工艺的有机结合。选用絮状污泥为接种泥,反应器成功运行了69 d。在此过程中,最大氮负荷为1.8 kg/m3·d,总氮去除率整体维持在83%,增加曝气量对Anammox菌的活性和颗粒粒径无明显影响。除此之外,应用循环曝气系统对膜表面进行在线冲刷,相比无曝气条件,保持曝气量为0.2 m3/h时,膜使用周期由4 d延长到38 d。选用Lawrence-McCarty模型研究Anammox菌的生长动力学特性,得真实产率(YT为0.17 mg/mg,衰减系数(Kd)为0.01 d-1,Anammox菌增长速度快。相比其他反应器(如SBR、UASB),MBR具有更好的富集效果。
      The paper used integrated Anammox-SAnMBR (submerged anaerobic MBR) reactor to culture anammox bacteria. At the same time the MBR fouling was effectively alleviated through cyclic aeration using nitrogen generated from the oxidation of anommox bacteria. The reactor has been successfully operated for 69 days through choosing anammox floc sludge. Through experiments, the nitrogen load of the reactor is up to 1.8 kg /m3·d and the nitrogen removal rate is up to 83%. The aeration has no significant effect on bacterial activity and particle size of anammox. Moreover, the system of recycle gas sparging was used to wash membrane surface. Compared to the condition without, the aeration is 0.2 m3/h, the use cycle of membrane last from 4 days to 28 days. used. The paper used Lawrence-McCarty model to study the kinetic characteristics of Anammox bacteria. The real yield coefficient ((YT) of Anammox sludge is 0.17 mg/mg NO-2-N and the decay coefficient (Kd) is 0.01 d-1. The increase rate of anammox is improved. The culture of anammox in membrane bioreactor has better advantage than other reactors.
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