邢 坤, 雷晓云, 雷晓辉, 靳 晟.分布式水文模型EasyDHM在玛纳斯河流域径流模拟中的应用Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2014,25(4):20-23
Application of distributed hydrological model EasyDHM in runoff simulation of Manasi river basin
中文关键词: 分布式水文模型  玛纳斯河流域  EasyDHM  径流模拟  融雪
英文关键词: distributed hydrology model  Manasi river basin  EasyDHM  runoff simulation  snow melt
Author NameAffiliation
XING Kun1, LEI Xiaoyun1, LEI Xiaohui2, JIN Sheng1 (1.新疆农业大学 水利与土木工程学院 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052 2.中国水利水电科学研究院 水资源研究所北京 100038) 
Hits: 2013
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      玛纳斯河流域作为新疆干旱区典型的内陆河流域,其年径流量主要来源于高山区融雪径流。掌握该流域的径流变化规律,对探讨该地区气候、水文及水资源、生态环境之间的联系以及预测未来山区径流的变化规律具有重要意义。以玛纳斯河流域作为研究对象,基于分布式水文模型EasyDHM(Easy Distributed Hydrological Model),利用DEM、实测河网、土壤、土地利用及水文气象数据构建玛纳斯河流域分布式水文模型研究该流域径流过程。通过模型参数率定及验证发现,该模型精度较高,验证期内各站点纳什效率系数均在0.75以上,说明EasyDHM分布式水文模型的泛化能力较好,可应用于该流域的水雨情势分析,为预防和减轻春季融雪型洪水灾害提供了理论依据。
      As a typical continental river basin of arid areas in Xinjiang, the annual runoff of Manasi river basin mainly comes from the snowmelt runoff in high mountains in the river basin.To know the change rule of runoff in the basin has great significance for probing the relation between atmosphere,hydrology , water resources and ecological environment, and predicting the variation law of runoff.Based on distributed hydrological model EasyDHM(Easy Distributed Hydrological Model), taking Manasi river basin as research objective,the paper used the DEM, river, soil, land use, hydrological and meteorological data to construct Manasi river basin distributed hydrological model to study the runoff process. According to the model test, the accuracy of EasyDHM is higher,the Nash efficiency coefficients of all the stations are above 0.75 during site validation period. It is proved that EasyDHM has good generation capacity and can be applied in analysis of rain situation,and also provide theory for forecasting and relieving the harm of snow-melt flood in spring.
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