杨 欣.斜坡堤护面稳定性的试验研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2014,25(3):209-212
Experiment on stability of protection surface on slope breakwater armor
中文关键词: 不规则波  防波堤  堤防稳定性  物理模型  港口
英文关键词: irregular wave  breakwater  stability of breakwater  physical model  harbor
Author NameAffiliation
YANG Xin (天津大学 建筑工程学院 天津 300072) 
Hits: 1911
Download times: 1016
      In order to verify the stability of rubble-mound breakwater of a harbor, the paper established physical model and obtained wave height distribution within engineering area by using the height wave acquisition device. Visual observation method is used to get the instability number of slope breakwater armor stones of different areas and also to describe the situation of wave overtopping. The results show that when wave incomes obliquely, the stability is better than wave incomes normally, the dam body satisfies the requirement of stability. The physical model reflected the fact well. According to the experimental results, the original program was optimized and also met the requirement of stability.
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