孙 雪, 王小松, 程莉蓉, 李世君.时间序列模型在北京西山地区岩溶地下水位预测中的应用Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2014,25(3):161-164
Application of time series model in prediction of karst groundwater level in Xishan region of Beijing
中文关键词: 地下水位  动态变化  时间序列模型  地下水位预测
英文关键词: groundwater level  dynamic change  time series model  prediction of karst groundwater
Author NameAffiliation
SUN Xue1,2, WANG Xiaosong3, CHENG Lirong1,2, LI Shijun3 (1. 北京师范大学 水科学研究院 北京 100875 2.地下水污染控制与修复教育部工程研究中心, 北京 100875 3.北京市地质工程勘察院 北京 100037) 
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      As a reserve area of water resources in Beijing, the dynamic change of groundwater level in Xishan region is of great significance to water resources management. Time series analysis is an effective tool to predict the dynamic change of groundwater level.In order to investigate the variation trend of groundwater level in Xishan region, the paper built the dynamic variation model of groundwater level by use of long monitoring data series of groundwater level in Xishan region of Beijing through fitting the trend component, periodic component and stochastic component of the series.The accuracy test of model indicated that fitting degree of model is good and the groundwater level in this region will appear the state of dynamic balance in the following five years.
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